A tanning bed produces UV rays and thus just like the sun there can be some health issues. You can tan safely by following the tanning bed tips provided by many. Here are some tanning bed facts.
Skin type No matter what type of tanning bed you are using Qadree Ollison Womens Jersey , if you don't know your skin type you could land up in trouble. There are five basic skin types. The lightest being albino the darkest being naturally dark pigmented skin such as Asian or African. And then there is the rest of us somewhere in between.
The type of skin you have will determine how long and how often you can tan. Some skin types burn much quicker, while others seldom burn at all. The salon attendant will help you determine your skin type. If you are tanning at home then refer to the manual that came with your tanning bed.
Tanning Lotions Always use a tanning lotion that id designed for indoor tanning. Stay away from the oils. They are messy and they get all over the acrylic which then blocks the rays from reaching you.
Use a tanning lotion appropriate for your skin. So if you burn easily the choose a lotion with a higher SPF. Never use inside lotions outside or outside lotions inside. Each is designed to protect you from specific rays associated with that type of tanning.
Do Not Let Yourself Burn Avoid a sun burn at all costs. In the tanning world this is the golden rule. Some people will burn much easier than others and you need to take steps to avoid burning. If you are really fair and you never tan without first getting a burn John Cominsky Womens Jersey , then don't tan. It's that simple. Burns are dangerous to your health and the cause of skin cancer. No tan is worth risking skin cancer. Tan smart!
Choose Your Bed Carefully You should always start with a lower watt tanning bulb bed. The beginner beds aren't as powerful as the mega beds and it will give you pigment time to develop. Once you've got your base tan you can move to a bed that has stronger tanning bulbs. If you stop tanning and you loose your tan then you have to start all over again from the beginning with a low watt bed. The strong tanning bulb beds are very powerful and you will damage your skin if your skin is not ready for them.
Home Tanning Beds You might want to consider purchasing your own bed. Although the commercial beds are great you have to work your schedule around their schedule and it seems you're always rushed. With a bed at home you can relax and enjoy your tan and you can tan in the privacy of your own home. It's a great end to a busy day.
Home tanning beds can be purchased for a reasonable price, especially if you calculate how much it cost to go to a commercial bed. Remember there is not just the cost of session but the gas to get there Kendall Sheffield Womens Jersey , the wear and tear on your car, and the cost of your time. It's something to consider.
Of course there are advantages to commercial tanning beds to. They always have the latest and greatest beds. They absorb the cost of replacing bulbs that have become weak Kaleb McGary Womens Jersey , and they do all the maintenance and repair. All you have to do is show up.
However you decide to get your indoor tan, just be smart and tan in moderation. You can have that beautiful golden tan if you play your tanning bulbs right!
Sabotaging Online Success By Misusing Creativity Self Help Articles | August 11 Chris Lindstrom Womens Jersey , 2011 Online success in terms of developing a money making business is something anybody with the right plan can realistically achieve! The key is to NOT let your own creative thinking 'talents' derail or sabotage your efforts! Read more to see 3 ways our own creativity, if not used properly Takkarist McKinley Womens Jersey , can snuff out our hopes and dreams before they even happen!
Online success in terms of developing a money making business is something anybody with the right plan can realistically achieve! The real key for any aspiring internet entrepreneur? is to harness their creative thinking in a way to make their business more unique or distinctive. Besides desire, our creative thinking ability may be one of our biggest assets when working online due to the competitive and dynamic nature the environment offers! Strangely enough however this same talent which can make us highly competitive or even dominant in our selected niche can also prevent us from competing at all! As useful and valued as our own creativity can be in building a money making business online it can also prevent us from even taking action in the first place!
Here are 3 ways our own creativity Calvin Ridley Womens Jersey , if not used properly, can snuff out our hopes and dreams before they even happen!
Why It Can Not Be Done
Whether it is a lack of confidence or perhaps recent frustrations Julio Jones Womens Jersey , it is easy for any internet entrepreneur to 'create' reasons as to why something can't be done! By doing so it keeps them from experiencing the possibility of additional frustrations or even complete failure! Instead of placing the 'blame' on their own 'inadequacies' they fabricate a scenario in which the goal or task is an impossible or unrealistic one! These exclamations, which are really excuses in disguise Deion Sanders Womens Jersey , need to contain some degree of 'logic' to help validate their claim and this is where some put their creativity to work!
Why They Lack The Time
Another commonly created 'protective barrier' people may use as to why they do not build their own money making business is a lack of time! This 'concoction' of the truth allows folks to hide behind a claim that infers their life is already a challenging one with little time available for anything else! Here too the exclamation given is typically the most believable to the person who is giving it! In this way it helps serve their purpose which is to rid themselves of the feeling of guilt that normally comes with admitting you are lazy! Ouch, sorry but true!